Monday, February 27, 2012

TerraTrike = Liars? - Not Any More...

I copied and pasted this from the TerraTrike forum, and BROL

Okay, that may be a bit harsh, but I'm pretty annoyed right now...

Their website says
With a prescription from a Doctor, Medicare or your health insurance MAY cover the cost of the trike. We have done this many times in the past, and we’re happy to work with them.
I called and sent an email and had multiple people tell me the same thing, and even outlined the process for me. Go to the Dr., get a prescription, get a quote, send it to medicare. Well, I went to the Dr. and got the prescription, talked to someone about a quote.

While waiting on the quote, I call medicare, who tells me they won't cover anything exercise related, anything to be used outside of the home, or from anywhere that's not a medical supplier. I call TerraTrike again and let them know what I found out, but the response they gave me was basically [someone said they used medicare to get one]

Now, I'm even farther away from having the money to get a family Dr. won't see me for anything related to the condition that I have. So I had to go to the neurologist (not cheap) to get the prescription that is worthless.

Okay, so the website was changed, and I feel satisfied with that.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Still waiting...

   Damn you Tom Petty and your heart breakers of truth. I blame you for making the wait the hardest part.

   I was told to expect a call and email today from TerraTrike, but I completely understand having to wait for such a specialized request. Just wanted to update this.

   In other rants, DealExtreme is making my "do not order from" list. I had originally placed an order for 4 items that were all in stock on Jan. 30th. I got 2 of the items on the Feb. 15th, along with an email saying the other 2 items were shipped. The tracking number only tells me that it was accepted Feb. 20th and "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment" which according to the tracking it's been being prepared for 3 days.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Phase Two(point)One: The struggle continues

   Today was a confusing day to say the least:

   First, I call medicare, talk to someone who pretty much had no idea what I was talking about. When I tried explaining that I have a prescription for a recumbent trike, she asks why an adult would want a tricycle. Then when I said that the prescription is for an exact make and model, she told me to go through a medicare provider. Guess I thought that's what 1-800-MEDICARE would have been. Her other suggestion was to contact "where ever you're wanting to get the thing."

   I decided to just call the local dealer and see if they had any experience in using medicare as a source of payment. She said no, but took all my information and what I was after, and said she'd call back within the next few days after she talked to someone who might know.

   At this point, I decided to call TerraTrike and see what they had to say on the whole situation. I forget the guy's name, but was told they can't do anything with medicare, that I would have to call them myself. When I asked about if they could customize it like what the Dr. ordered, he said no, they don't do any custom work or adding options, that they only sell them stock.

   I call Utah Trikes, since they are the custom shop, and was told to call back later when someone would be back in the shop. Not a big deal, right? Wait until you read my next part about them...

   It's time to try medicare again, hoping to get someone different, that might be a bit more knowledgeable. When I told the lady what I'm wanting, she told me "Sorry, medicare doesn't cover exercise items, is there anything else?" I tell her that the website for the trike says that they do sometimes, and she tells me again "No, medicare doesn't, they lied" Then tells me to go through a medicare provider.

   At this point, I'm just getting more and more confused with every phone call, but want to figure out if I wasted money to get the prescription. So, I call TerraTrike again, this time I talk to someone different than the first time. I ask her about medicare paying for the trike, since I was just told they don't. She tells me in certain cases insurance does pay, but she hasn't dealt with medicare herself. She still explains the process to me of how it's supposed to go and says I'm on the right track. I ask her about getting the options I need of the broader gear range and larger rear tire. She says that shouldn't be an issue, but they may need to order some parts. Says she'll get a quote to me sometime on Friday, since they are closed tomorrow, and already closed today. WOW! That's good service, in my opinion, to still answer questions, and not be put out about being on the phone after closing time.

   It's still early enough yet, that I call Utah Trikes. I get someone different and ask if they know are familiar with using medicare as payment. He says he doesn't think they are set up for it, I hear him call for someone else and ask him about it. It's the same guy that picked up the phone and said he didn't know, but this time I hear him say "No, they deal with medicare, not us. We're a trike company, not medicare." I say thank you and hang up. Since I'm being polite, I wait until I know the call is disconnected, look at my phone and comment "You sir, are elected Dick of the Day."

Now, here I am ranting to all of you who take the time to read it, when all I really want to rant about is impatience on waiting for the new trike.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's wrong with his face?

I was told that pictures would be a good idea, so everyone could see me and put a face to the name. Since I don't have the trike, I can't take pictures of that. I am quite camera shy, so we'll go with these.
 Me considering the idea of pictures
Me realizing the idea of pictures

Actually, I was playing around with skype on my phone and just making faces to make the wife laugh, she then decided to save them.

Phase Two: Find Trike

   If you read the first post, good job. If not, you should still be able to follow along.

   I now need to find where I'm going to purchase the trike (with customization) from.
   I had initially thought about just going through Utah Trikes, but have since changed my mind. The main reason being that if something was to happen warranty related I would have to go through them, and shipping is expensive. I also saw they recently put on their site that they are recommending customers to go with the Rambler, over the Rover.

   I will be calling the local, 40 mi./1 hr. away, shop that I originally test rode the Rover 8 at and see if they can do the 26" rear wheel, 11-34 9 speed cassette, rear derailleur, triple chain ring, front derailleur mods, or if I have to try some place else. The next closest dealer is 150 mi./ 3 hr. away, so I really hope the closer one will do everything I need.

Phase One: Operation Script - Complete

   I have a degenerative neuromuscular condition known as Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis or HSP, read more here if you want. This, coupled with being 6'4" 290lbs means that I need something to get in shape, without being too strenuous. 

   After some searching, I found the TerraTrike Rover with it's tall seat height and 400lb weight limit, meant that getting on and off wouldn't be too challenging, plus it would be able to hold me, plus gear without being close to overloaded. I test rode one at a local dealer, which went well, but felt that a lower gear would be beneficial for any hills I might encounter. 

   While looking at what my options might be, I found the Utah Trikes Rover "X5" with a 26" rear wheel, this would raise the seat up another inch, woo-hoo, but also raise the lowest gear significantly. However, with putting on a triple chain ring crank, I can achieve a lower gear than the Rover 8 speed, but still have the seat raised that extra inch. I thought this would be perfect, but then I saw the price, and can't afford that on disability. 

   More web searching (I've got too much time on my hands) and I came across a thing on TerraTrike's web site, saying that medicare helps pay for trikes in some cases. So, I go to the neurologist today, and he seemed thrilled at the idea of something to get me exercise, that works with my condition. 

Phase One: Operation Script has been completed.