Monday, October 27, 2014

Trying to relearn like it's the first time does not make one a virgin.

I have picked up some really bad habits over the course of my disc golf career. Some my own fault, some what I was told by others. After watching a ton of videos and reading more than I should have, I decided that I could relearn since I've taken enough time off.

I feel a bit like that hooker that found God. Righting wrongs is possible, but will be a process...

I finally got a chance to get out and throw some in a wide open area. I had my son with me in his stroller, he loves watching me do driving drills. I think he thinks it's funny to see dada spin around and flail his arms. By the time I finally pushed the stroller down a path, through stones, down a ravine, across long unkempt grass, I was starting to feel rushed due to the sun starting to go down. I didn't even do any practice throws to warm up, just hastily set up my phone in the cupholder. Remember I said my son, I'll call him Jack (some call him single serve or packet since he's a little CreemCheese serving,) likes seeing me do drills. Well, he knew what was coming and started kicking. Didn't even get the first drive on video. Reset, pack the phone in a little tighter. throw 4 more times in a mix of old style and trying to stand still working in thrown from a pec produced power pocket. Say that 5 times fast, go on..I can wait...

Okay, now that you tried that and failed, I'll continue rambling. The discs were white, green, blue, orange, and red, shouldn't be hard to spot right? That unkempt field grass thinks differently. I spend a good 10 minutes and only find two. Can't push the stroller though long grass and uneven ground, so I try carrying Jack and looking at the same time. Quickly obvious that won't work, I let him stand beside me, that's when the hayride starts coming toward me. I pick him up because I don't know which way he'll start walking or where the hay ride tractor is heading; as if that's not distracting enough, my lovely wife decides it's time to go to break. What does she do at break? Text me, so now I'm losing light, holding my son, looking for discs, watching the tractor, and texting my wife. Another half hour passes and I finally find all the discs.

I do some editing on the videos, post them to be critqued, and find out I am doing more wrong than right.

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