So, I tried this last year, and didn't follow through with it. Now it's time to say why not try it again.
There's been some very significant changes in my life recently. I am now a very proud papa to an ultra cute little boy. Tore my calf muscle, went through therapy, developed bone spurs, had surgery, went through therapy again, still feel worse than I did before the surgery. I even started going to church again after about a 8 year hiatus. Anyway, onto the blog...
I haven't been riding nearly as much this year, see changes above, this morning my wife wakes me up, and I can barely get out of bed. She mentions that I need to start riding again, and that it was cooler today. So I throw on clothes, pump up the tires, and off I go. Putting less than a fourth of the miles on this year, compared to last, my distances aren't nearly the same as what I was doing. 5 miles is a workout, ugh. On the bright side, my speed hasn't seemed to suffer too much, still averaging about 9-10. That is when I remember to air up the tires and release the parking brake.
Today was a good ride, not long, or fast, but good. It was great to get out of the house today. Captured 2 Munzees, was going to try for a GeoCache in the park, but didn't want to leave my wife home with the baby for too long. Took basically my normal route, then roved through the University of Findlay campus for a minute or two. Put a smile on a few older peoples faces, looked more like they were giving me the "good for you" look, but I'll take it. Turned back onto a side street, saw a guy on a recumbent trike, gave him a big wave, and kept riding. Went by the church that there's another cache at, but they were having some sort of event there, so I let it alone.
Make a few more turns, everything is uneventful, just some good pedaling. I see a truck in my mirror getting closer and closer, but they aren't going around me, even though there's plenty of room. I decide to slide over to the side, seeing if that encouraged him, it did. Woo-Hoo! or so I thought for about half a second. That's when I realize that he's passing me, but hasn't changed his line any at all. I would have thrown my hands up in a "C'mon Man!" gesture, but I wouldn't have been able to stick my left arm out, as he completely crowded me off the road. Once he's past, I see he has a whole bunch of bumper stickers all over the tailgate. I didn't read most of them, but 2 caught my eye. "SHARE THE ROAD" and "CYCLIST" He was behind me long enough, and my flag darn near whipped his windshield, so I know he saw me. I absolutely LOVE (where's the sarcasm font) these types of hypocritical people. Unless he was a roadie that just has it out for recumbents. In which case he should still SHARE the road, not hog it.
I made it home with nothing else to really report, other than passing by where one more Munzee was, but couldn't get to because of the semi blocking it. Oh well, tomorrow's another day. Hopefully I get to stay on the road tomorrow. Now it's time to play some video games while the son's asleep.
Thanks for reading
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