Friday, April 6, 2012


I got my rover Wednesday, got a tiny ride last night on it, and a small ride today. .6 miles yesterday. 1.2 miles today. Only averaged 6.8 mph today, but that was plenty enough for me. I feel it in my legs, and still have a slight headache from the blood flow and endorphins.
Clipless pedals are recommended for all trike pilots, but a must for anyone with weakness in their legs. Because of my toes pointing outward, I had to have 1" axle extenders installed to not hit my heels on the crank arms. The shoes are meant to be able to walk around in them a little. However, they have very rigid soles, to transfer the most energy possible. This leads to me having no balance in them, so I put a chair in the garage and change shoes right in front of the trike, so I only have to take a few steps.
Now, onto the pics:

My ghetto-tastic bag for now. It's a hard shell case from my old PSP, but it holds my phone and wallet quite nicely. Unfortunately, I can't quite squeeze my keys in there too.

I opted for these shoes, they have a lot of breathability, but still have the laces to tighten down and feel secure. I thought about sandals, but I thought these might give more support.

I'm glad the cleats are very adjustable, I had to adjust them a few times...notice how much more angle the left shoe (last picture) has